سلام. امروز لینک ویدیویی رو که قول داده بودم؛ براتون قرار می دم. لینک دریافت ویدیو به فرمت wmv به حجم 26 MB لینک دریافت ویدیو به فرمت mov به حجم 23 MB متن ویدیواین انیمیشن مربوطه به معرفی یه framework به نام e-Framework هستش که از معماری سرویس گرا استفاده می کند. متن لاتین اون رو هم عینا اینجا کپی و پیست کرده ام.
Chapter 1 – Background/introduction
00:00 – 00:15
The Service Oriented Approach to linking software systems and applications is transforming the way many organisations share data. This approach improves existing methods of data sharing by providing a service layer between systems.
00:15 – 00:22
Sharing data between applications is a well established principle that works on a simple level.
00:23 – 00:54
As systems expand, the solution that connects two software applications will often not work for a third. What began as a workable system then locks valuable data in a silo. Sharing the data is still possible but requires adaptations and tweaks. The process is laborious and time consuming leading to bottlenecks and overload. The reality of this world is unnecessary effort expended in duplication of data.
00: 54 – 01:14
By applying a service layer to the applications you wish to connect up, data is offered up in a common format for reuse elsewhere.
The Service Oriented Approach works with existing software systems and does not require you to remove the monolithic application.
Replacement applications re-use the links already made and can plug in to the service layer without affecting other users of the data.
01:14 - 01:27
New applications can be added to grow overall system architectures in the same way. The data in each application is offered up as a service which any other application can consume.
01:27 – 01:42
When the Service Oriented Approach is evolved in to a system-wide architecture, it allows connections and service sharing opportunities between organisations nationally and globally.
Chapter 2 - Why adopt the service oriented approach
0-11 01:45 – 01:54 MIS
Take monitoring of student progress for example. Results are logged by a virtual learning environment but how much of that data is shared with a management system that is tracking progression against funding?
11-23 01:55 - 02:07
If the motivation and commitment of struggling students is not addressed and they decide to walk away there is a direct impact on funding.
23-32 02:07 – 02:18
If the data is freed up and shared across a system using a Service Oriented Approach it could contribute to retaining student motivation and thereby maximising income.
02:19 – 03:02 43 secs XCRI
0-13 secs 02:19 – 02:32
And what if across the education community there was one standard and agreed way to describe a course? It would allow course information to be made available as a consumable service both internally and externally.
13-43 secs 02:32 – 03:02
This is the subject of a current project called Exchanging Course-Related Information, or XCRI, encompassing course marketing, quality assurance, enrolment and reporting requirements.
This Service Oriented Approach enables aggregator organisations like UCAS to gather the standard and agreed descriptions of courses from each provider. Comprehensive details of approved enrolment opportunities are then returned to a prospective student for easy and accurate comparison.
03:03 – 03:51 MyGrid
Amongst the research community it is the same principle. Here the Service Oriented Approach is enabling researchers to work across institutions in virtual organisations. myGrid is a project that provides a shared toolkit for creating experiments by coordinating the information flow between distributed resources and services.
Workflows and query specifications link together remote and local resources using web service protocols.
Workflows created by myGrid represent the scientific process of the experiments they enact, making them a rich resource for scientists creating their own new experiments.
The service layer to this data enables users to share, reuse and repurpose experiments within the myGrid community.
Chapter 3 – Conclusion and summary
03:51 – 04:59
0-9 secs 03:51 – 04:00
Many education and research services are already developing a Service Oriented Approach (little pause) taking their lead from the business world and major software developers.
9-22 secs 04:00 – 04:13
It is in this context that the e-Framework, a successful and expanding international initiative, works to make sense of the Service Oriented Approach for the education and research community.
22-44 secs 04:13 – 04:35
The e-framework website identifies and describes the service components needed. It provides the blueprints and reference examples for those in the community who want to gain a greater understanding and knowledge of how to implement a Service Oriented Approach.
The e-framework website is thus becoming a knowledge base that is developing a shared vocabulary, (small pause) and way of thinking for all in education and research.